Re: Simple Debugger Design

"Joachim Durchholz" <>
14 Jun 2000 12:43:36 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Joachim Durchholz" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Jun 2000 12:43:36 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-06-041
Keywords: debug

Nicolás <> wrote:
> I want to make a source level debugger (that is, assembler source),
> but I want it to be totally independant from the source file (ie: if
> it can't find the src file, it should dissasamble the object file, and
> show that) ...

You should include symbolic names and comments in the object code.

Other than that, I can't tell you much. It doesn't seem to be a very
difficult problem though.

[The hard parts are tracking what object code corresponds to what source
code, particularly after optimization that rearrangs the code, and keeping
enough info to prettyprint data structures. -John]

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