Simple Debugger Design

"Nicolás" <>
10 Jun 2000 15:14:58 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Nicolás" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 10 Jun 2000 15:14:58 -0400
Organization: - Before you buy.
Keywords: debug, question


I am designing an assembler language that will be emulated (also by
software), and I would like very much to have a good debugger to debug
the final "object" code.

I really love gdb, so that's what I am aiming for, functionality wise.

Now, I don't know where to start as to what to include in the object
file for the debugger ... how the debugger would interface with the
object/ source file, etc ...

I want to make a source level debugger (that is, assembler source),
but I want it to be totally independant from the source file (ie: if
it can't find the src file, it should dissasamble the object file, and
show that) ...

Also, I don't have a clue how the debugger can interface with the
emulator ...

If anybody can give me ANY kind of advice as to where to start
looking, I would appreciate it a lot .... Keep in mind that the
debugger should be language dependant, not machine dependant.

Thanks a lot again,

Best regards,

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