caching global variables in registers

"Richard F. Man" <>
18 Nov 1999 02:53:16 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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caching global variables in registers (Richard F. Man) (1999-11-18)
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From: "Richard F. Man" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:53:16 -0500
Organization: ImageCraft Creations Inc.
Keywords: registers, optimize

Consider that loading from memory is expensive, what is the preferred
way of caching global variables. This is under the context of a C
compiler, and we can assume that without the volatile qualifier,
there will not be asynchronous update to the variables. Should this be
handled just a case of common subexpression elimination (with special
care when there are stores) or are there other techniques?

// richard

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