Re: Grammar -> Parser question

"Torbjorn Drevin" <>
9 Jun 1998 11:58:55 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Grammar -> Parser question (Torbjorn Drevin) (1998-06-09)
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Re: Grammar -> Parser question (1998-06-09)
Re: Grammar -> Parser question (Quinn Tyler Jackson) (1998-06-09)
Re: Grammar -> Parser question (Quinn Tyler Jackson) (1998-06-18)
| List of all articles for this month |

From: "Torbjorn Drevin" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 9 Jun 1998 11:58:55 -0400
Organization: Algonet/Tninet
References: 98-06-018
Keywords: parse, LL(1)


Maybe this example grammer can help you:

expr ::= <term> [<addop> <term>]*
term ::= <factor> [ <mulop> <factor> ]*
factor ::= <literal> | (<expr>) | <variable>

It may not suite your purpose, but have a look at the grammer for factor.
The factor can be a <expr> in LPARENT and RPARENT. This is where the
recursive thing begins. Now have a look at a grammer for condition:

cond ::= expr relop expr
relop ::= for example: != | >= | <= | == ....

A common way to handcode the parser is to make functions that correspond to
the BNF grammer. A function is done from each grammer, something like:

// Parse > cond ::= expr relop expr
void do_cond()

Note that it make calls to the expression function.

// Parse <expr> ::= <term> [<addop> <term>]*
void do_expr()
        while ( isaddop(get_token()) )

Do you get the point ?
The do_term function then make a call to do_factor, and do_factor make a
call back to do_term(), if LPARENT is found. This can now handle expressions

        (((((((a*124)*12)*(1243 .....

It does not matter how complex the expression may look like.

One can need some "look ahead" sometimes. You should make a function
something like: char* get_token()

The function get_token() always have the next token stored.

If the source to parse look like:


A call to get_token() return "A". But, the smart get_token() have also
stored the next token at char* ahead. if one look at whats in ahead, it
should be "B". This is a solution for this.

What you need, is to have a look at Jack Crenshaw's "Lets build a compiler".
He deals exactly with problems like this, and he explain it very good.

/Torbjorn Drevin / wrote...
>Suppose I have the following Grammar:
>condition -> expr PLUS expr |
> LPAREN condition RPAREN
>expr -> ID |
>I want to hand-code a top down recursive descent parser for this grammar
>using ideas from the Dragon Book (nonterminals become functions, terminals
>become calls to match()). I can't use lex or yacc.
>However, the LPAREN symbol is causing a problem: When I see it, I don't
>know if I'm dealing with a nested condition or a nested expression.
>How does one typically deal with this situation if one has to hand-code
>the parser? It looks like I need some sort of lookahead and/or backtracking
>mechanism so I can figure out which case I am dealing with.

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