Re: C compiler warning messages? (ozan s. yigit)
18 Apr 1997 01:13:11 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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C compiler warning messages? (1997-04-06)
Re: C compiler warning messages? (1997-04-07)
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Re: C compiler warning messages? (David Chase) (1997-04-11)
Re: C compiler warning messages? (1997-04-16)
Re: C compiler warning messages? morris@CAM.ORG (Morris Bernstein) (1997-04-16)
Re: C compiler warning messages? (1997-04-18)
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From: (ozan s. yigit)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Apr 1997 01:13:11 -0400
Organization: The Electric Skillet
References: 97-04-042 97-04-074
Keywords: errors, analysis, tools

in case people who are not familiar with lclint would be interested to
see what it does on that little more complicated piece, with
default lclint options and -show-column:

          1 char *foo(int arg)
          2 {
          3 char bar[30], *baz ;
          5 baz = bar ;
          6 if (arg) baz = "foo" ;
          7 return baz ;
          8 }

LCLint 2.2a --- 04 Sep 96

code.c: (in function foo)
code.c:6: Clauses exit with baz referencing unqualified static storage in true
                          branch, stack storage in continuation
    The state of a variable is different depending on which branch is taken. This
    means no annotation can sensibly be applied to the storage. (-branchstate
    will suppress message)
      code.c:5: Storage baz becomes stack
      code.c:6: Storage baz becomes unqualified static
code.c:6: Clauses exit with bar referencing unqualified static storage in true
                          branch, stack storage in continuation
      code.c:6: Storage bar becomes unqualified static
code.c:6: Test expression for if not bool, type int: arg
    Test expression type is not boolean or int. (-predboolint will suppress
code.c:7: Returned storage baz not completely defined (*baz is undefined): baz
    Storage derivable from a parameter, return value or global is not defined.
    Use /*@out@*/ to denote passed or returned storage which need not be defined.
    (-compdef will suppress message)
code.c:7: Observer storage baz returned without qualification: baz
    Observer storage is transferred to a non-observer reference. (-observertrans
    will suppress message)
      code.c:6: Storage baz becomes observer

Finished LCLint checking --- 5 code errors found

[tragedy of lint: it brings strong checking to its gods and causes
great humiliation. gods cannot be shown to be so fallible; it gets
locked up in a dark cellar of forgotten tools, forever haunted by the
agony of those suffering unchecked, broken programs of these
gods... or maybe its liver was forever plucked by an eagle. i forgot
which. :)]

oz (

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