Newbie : source to source translation

Patrick Jagstaidt <>
27 Mar 1997 13:31:19 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Newbie : source to source translation (Patrick Jagstaidt) (1997-03-27)
Re: Newbie : source to source translation (J.Lampe) (1997-04-02)
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From: Patrick Jagstaidt <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Mar 1997 13:31:19 -0500
Organization: University of Geneva
Keywords: translator, question, comment


I'm involved in the rewrite of the company's legacy code from Modula-2
to Java...

Since there is much to translate I think it's better to embark on a
metaprogramming project and try to devise means of automate inasmuch as
possible the code migration, howewer I'm new to compiler technology.

I would like to know what would be the main stages one should obey to
produce a source to source translator from Modula-2 to Java.

I just downloaded PCCTS2.0a and JCC, are those tools a good start for
such an enterprise ?

P. Jagstaidt
[Source to source translation is a black art. Generating correct
translated code isn't all that hard, but making the translated code
legible and maintainable is quite difficult. -John]

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