Re: Is LALR(1) or LL(k) parser better for C++

"Scott Stanchfield" <>
26 Jan 1997 22:29:47 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Scott Stanchfield" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Jan 1997 22:29:47 -0500
Organization: scruz-net
References: 97-01-163 97-01-181 97-01-206
Keywords: yacc, debug

> Several issues stand out. First, it is much harder to debug LALR
> grammars. You can get your average debugger to track through
> semantic code embedded in the grammar, but you cannot (at least I
> cannot) get it to print out those variables with names like
> $$. Also, single stepping will insist on stepping through the parser
> code as well. Some of this is a feature of YACC rather than LALR
> parsing in general.

Just a note here -- the "$$ variables" in yacc actually get turned into
references like yypvt[0]. Depends on the yacc you're using. In some, the
$1, $2, $3 are represented by (if you just reduced something like a: b c d)
    yypvt[0] -- most recent ($3)
    yypvt[-1] -- next back ($2)
    yypvt[-2] -- next back from that ($1)

and so on. Basically, yypvt is a pointer into the stack where all the
fun happens. But beware -- this can change based on the yacc you're

That aside, I still think table-driven parsers (whether they are LL,
LR or LALR) are just plain hard to debug. Recursive-descent is much
easier and it's really possible to see a correlation between the code
and the grammar.

> Second, control of parsing in those situations where a symbol must
> be (for example), a type-id in one context or an undefined-id in
> another are hard to handle. Either you have weird productions like
> <var_decl> = <type_id> <type_id>; or you have globals flags flying
> back and forth between the lexer and parser, neither of which is a
> great solution.

This is handled well by a parser-generator such as PCCTS, where you
can add semantic predicates to choose alternatives based on a
condition. Rather than set up a test in the lexer and return
different tokens, you return a single type of token in either case and
predicate the grammar to choose rules based on the token AND a
condition. Glad to see someone who is as dead against parser-->lexer
backtalk as I...

> Third, I see ambiguities on productions that I think should not be
> ambiguous in a full LR grammar. I might be wrong about this since I
> have not tried to run the grammar through a full LR parser nor have
> I sat down and tried to grind out the states by hand but my
> suspicion is that the power you lose with the LALR simplification is
> significant.

> We shall probably replace this parser with a recursive descent
> parser at some time in the fairly near future ("real soon now"). If
> we proceed, it will be interesting to compare the ease of producing
> the two parsers.

Have a look at PCCTS -- look at

for some great starting info on it. PCCTS (ANTLR/DLG) generates
recursive-descent parsers that are really cool. I also have a tutorial in

As for C++ with PCCTS, see John Lilley's work (via the entry page above).
Scott Stanchfield
Santa Cruz, CA

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