Re: Smart textual editors

Mihai Christodorescu <>
20 Jul 1996 21:41:58 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Smart textual editors (Mihai Christodorescu) (1996-07-23)
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From: Mihai Christodorescu <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Jul 1996 21:41:58 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 96-07-103 96-07-115
Keywords: tools

Jacob Navia wrote:
> > I was looking for smart textual editors. By smart, I mean editors
> > which might be doing data flow analysis and such things even while the
> > editing is in progress so that they can point out the errors to the
> > programmer. (e.g. if certain part of the code is unreachable, then it
> > might give hints to the programmer etc.)
> But doing a DATA FLOW ANALYSIS in real time?
> First, a representation of all the globals/variables of the current
> procedure would be necessary. This information would have to be updated
> constantly, since the user is constantly modifying the program text!!!
> Syntax errors would have to be ignored, and I do not know how: what do
> you do when the user just typed a ' { ' ???
> Where you will put the missing closing brace?
> This solves the syntax error problem. As the moderator rightly pointed
> out, syntax errors MUST be accepted by the editor's parsers to let the
> user type what he wants without the editor becoming an obstacle to the
> user.

I think such a SMART editor will not come in the next ten years, because
it needs a very powerful capability: to understand what the program is
doing, not only syntax checking.

Consider the following scenario in C:

1: void function(void)
2: {
3: ....
4: { // a start of a block
5: ...
6: { // now the user types { instead of } for closing the block
7: // the two keys are very close on the keyboard ;-)
8: ....
9: }

Now the editor has to decide if there are TWO closing brackets missing
or just ONE INSTEAD of "{" on line 6. My solution is analyzing the logic
of the algorithm... at my current level of knowledge I don't know of such

Regards, Mihai

P.S. every sentence should start with IMHO

Mihai Christodorescu
                                                            221 Estancia Place, Camarillo, CA 93012-5242, USA

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