Re: ACM CDROM's (was: Re: Chaitin's Paper on Register Allocation (Henry Baker)
18 Apr 1996 00:34:40 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Chaitin's Paper on Register Allocation (Ashish Ashtekar) (1996-04-11)
Re: Chaitin's Paper on Register Allocation (1996-04-13)
Re: Chaitin's Paper on Register Allocation (1996-04-16)
Re: ACM CDROM's (was: Re: Chaitin's Paper on Register Allocation (1996-04-18)
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From: (Henry Baker)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Apr 1996 00:34:40 -0400
Organization: nil organization
References: 96-04-065 96-04-082 96-04-100
Keywords: journal, history, comment (David L Moore) wrote:

> (Of course, getting the entire ouvre of the ACM onto CDROM would be an
> even more valuable contribution to the discipline)

I emphatically agree. According to 'highly placed sources', part of
the problem has been trying to decide in what format to store this
stuff in.

However, I would think that simply scanning it at some ridiculous
resolution -- e.g., 600 dpi -- should save virtually all of the
resolution that is available, and any additional processing can be
done downstream. TIFF G4 is a pretty compact format, at least for B/W
only text & pictures.


A few years ago, I called up ACM HQ to ask whether they had copies of
ACM's from the late 1950's, and they said they couldn't find them.


Many of the earlier Sigplan Notices were printed on acid-laced paper,
and have now crumbled to dust in some libraries. We're quickly
running out of time on some of these journals.

www/ftp directory:
[This has drifted away from compilers. -John]

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