re2c is in the public domain (Peter Bumbulis)
Tue, 19 Apr 1994 11:56:54 GMT

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re2c is in the public domain (1994-04-19)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Peter Bumbulis)
Keywords: tools, DFA, comment
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 11:56:54 GMT

>>An alpha version of re2c is now available by anonymous ftp:

>I think that it would have been nice if you included a brief
>statement of any license restrictions as part of the announcement.

re2c is in the public domain. I've attached the README below.

>Many of us in the commercial world cannot use great tools such
>as Bison because of such restrictions and it's nice to find
>out ahead of time.

Use byacc!

re2c is distributed with no warranty whatever. The code is certain to
contain errors. Neither the author nor any contributor takes
responsibility for any consequences of its use.

re2c is in the public domain. The data structures and algorithms used
in re2c are all either taken from documents available to the general
public or are inventions of the author. Programs generated by re2c may
be distributed freely. re2c itself may be distributed freely, in source
or binary, unchanged or modified. Distributors may charge whatever fees
they can obtain for re2c.

If you do make use of re2c, or incorporate it into a larger project an
acknowledgement somewhere (documentation, research report, etc.) would
be appreciated.

Please send bug reports and feedback (including suggestions for
improving the distribution) to

Include a small example and the banner from parser.y with bug reports.
[I concur with the endorsement of byacc. -John]

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