Re: Technical arguments for using compiler tools? (Terence J Parr)
Sat, 12 Jun 1993 19:47:40 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Technical arguments for using compiler tools? (1993-06-09)
Re: Technical arguments for using compiler tools? (1993-06-11)
Re: Technical arguments for using compiler tools? (1993-06-12)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Terence J Parr)
Keywords: tools
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 93-06-031 93-06-036
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1993 19:47:40 GMT writes:

> From my experience, I'd say that either (1) you're better off writing it
> by hand because there are less constraints on development -- grammars have
> to be greatly expanded and flexibility squeezed just to fit them into the
> restrictive format required by YACC (which is why my hand written parsers
> tend to be smaller), or (2) finding a better tool that can work directly
> with EBNF grammars, and produce intuitive code in your target language.

PCCTS (Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set) has such a "better"
parser generator called ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition);
I maintain and enhance it. PCCTS is in the public domain and, hence,
can be used with impunity by commercial folks.

> As an illustration, try expressing something like this (which is what I
> work directly off of) efficiently in YACC without a lot of tweaking and
> expansion (it's a segment of a Pascal syntax in an EBNF-like notation) and
> still get intuitive code for it.
> Block: "begin" Sequence "end";
> Sequence: ([Statement] ":")* [Statement];
> Statement: LABEL ":" Statement
> | Block
> | Var ":=" Exp
> | NAME ["(" (Param ",")* Param ")"]
> | "goto" LABEL
> | "if" Exp "then" Statement ["else" Statement]
> | "case" Exp "of" ([Case] ";")* [Case] "end"
> | "while" Exp "do" Statement
> | "repeat" Sequence "until" Exp
> | "for" NAME ":=" Exp ("to" | "downto") Exp "do" Statement
> | "with" (Var ",")* Var "do" Statement
> ;
> Case: (Constant ",")* Constant ":" Statement;
> Param: Exp
> | Exp ":" Exp [":" Exp] /* only in i/o */
> ;
> [A better tool would be nice, but yacc's grammar error detection is still
> important. -John]

This is exactly the form of ANTLR input accept that rules must start
with lower case letters (ala YACC) and "[..]" option blocks are
written as "{...}"; actions are in European quotes: <<action>>. We
allow (...)+ blocks (1 or more) also. Note that the strings in
quotes, "...", can be arbitrary regular expressions in ANTLR--we have
merged the description of lexical and syntactic analysis.

ANTLR can provide you the flexibility of hand-written parsers because
it generates recursive descent LL(k) (as opposed to LALR(1)) parsers
written in human-readable C; they can even be debugged with standard
debuggers. Predicates actions, <<predicate>>?, allow semantics to
alter the course of the parse; hence, context-sensitive parsing can be
done just like a hand-written parser. There are way too many features
to describe here.

For more information and how to get PCCTS, send email to with a blank "Subject:" line. The server will
send you a server usage banner. Or, if you prefer, you can converse
with me at Questions about lexical analysis are
more appropriately sent to Will Cohen, the author of our lexical
analyzer generator, at

Terence Parr

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