Re: Different string format options, benefits? (Toshi Morita)
22 Oct 91 05:56:19 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Different string format options, benefits? (1991-11-05)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Toshi Morita)
Keywords: code, C
Organization: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, Sausalito, CA
References: 91-10-061 91-10-072 91-10-079
Date: 22 Oct 91 05:56:19 GMT

agulbra@Siri.Unit.NO (Arnt Gulbrandsen) writes:

>On machines with very few registers it might be much faster to copy
><bytes,null> strings; 8 or 12-bit machines might require two registers to
>store the length, and I know of one processor which only *has* three
>registers. (The 6502.)

On a 6502 I think (size, bytes) is faster:

                ldy #0
                lda (source),y
                adc #2
                lda (source),y
                adc #0
                beq .Less_Than_256

                tax ; Loop for multiples of 256 bytes
.loop1 lda (source),y ; 5 cycles
                sta (dest),y ; 5 cycles
                iny ; 2 cycles
                bne .loop1 ; 3 cycles (when taken)
                inc source+1
                inc dest+1
                bne .loop1


                pla ; Loop for mod 256
                beq .exit
                beq .one
.loop2 lda (source),y ; 5 cycles
                sta (dest),y ; 5 cycles
                dey ; 2 cycles
                bne .loop2 ; 3 cycles (when taken)

.one lda (source),y ; (last byte cleanup)
                sta (dest),y

.exit rts

This is code for a two-byte little-endian length prefix. A single-byte length
prefix would make the loop setup much shorter...but anyway, ignoring loop
setup overhead, it's 15 cycles per byte. The code for (bytes, null)
looks like:

                ldy #0
.loop lda (source),y ; 5 cycles
                sta (dest),y ; 5 cycles
                beq .exit ; 2 cycles (if not token)
                iny ; 2 cycles
                bne .loop ; 3 cycles (if taken)
                inc source+1
                inc dest+1
                jmp .loop

.exit rts

So (size, bytes) is 15 cycles per byte, and (bytes, null) is 17 cycles
per byte (excluding loop setup time).

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