Re: Languages with optional spaces
Tue, 5 May 2020 13:05:18 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 13:05:18 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 20-02-015
Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="3098"; mail-complaints-to=""
Keywords: Basic, parse, history
Posted-Date: 05 May 2020 16:07:38 EDT
In-Reply-To: 20-02-015

Hi Maury...
tomas mertes have a right Bas7 is a good example and i tried it few years
back. Rexently i build my own lexer/tokenizer in Oxygen basic..yes in
basic compiler for windows but if know and understand basic you should be able
to midify it , here it is ;

'micro(A) tokenizer by Aurel 29.3.2020
Include ""
INT startTime ,endTime: float procTime ' GetTickCount -timer init
declare sub tokenizer( src as string) as INT
declare sub run_tokenizer(inputCode as string) as INT
int tkNULL=0, tkPLUS=1, tkMINUS=2, tkMULTI=3, tkDIVIDE=4
int tkCOLON=5, tkCOMMA=6, tkLPAREN=7, tkRPAREN=8, tkLBRACKET=9, tkRBRACKET=10
int tkIDENT = 11 , tkNUMBER = 12 , tkQSTRING = 13, tkCOMMAND =14 ,tkEOL = 15
int tkEQUAL = 16, tkMORE = 17, tkLESS =18,tkAND=19, tkOR=20, tkNOT = 21
int tkHASH=22 , tkSSTR=23, tkMOD=24

string tokList[1024] : int typList[1024] 'token/type arrays
int start , p = 1 ,start = p ,tp , tn, n ,ltp=1 ,nTokens ' nTokens -> number of tokens
int lineCount, Lpar, Rpar, Lbrk, Rbrk, tokerr ,codeLen=0
string code,ch,tch,tk ,crlf=chr(13)+chr(10),bf,ntk
'code = "2*(3+4)" + crlf + ' line 1
              '"': b =6 " + crlf + ' line 2
            ' ":if a>b" + crlf ' line 3
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAIN TOKENIZER SUBROUTINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SUB tokenizer(src as string) as int
'print "tokenizer run;" + src
lineCount=0:ltp=start : nTokens = 0
while p <= len(src)
        ch = mid(src,p,1) ' get char
  If asc(ch)=32 : p=p+1 : end if ' skip blank space[ ]
  If asc(ch)=9 : p=p+1 : end if ' skip TAB [ ]
  if asc(ch)=13 : p=p+1 : end if ' skip CR
  if asc(ch)=39 ' skip comment line[ ' ]
        while asc(ch) <> 10
            p++ : ch = mid(src,p,1) : if asc(ch)= 10 then exit while
      p++: goto endLoop ' jump to end of loop
  end if

  If asc(ch)=10 ' EOL
if Lpar > Rpar : tokerr=3 : goto tokExit : end if ' if Rparen ((...)
if Lpar < Rpar : tokerr=4 : goto tokExit : end if ' if Lparen (...))
if Lbrk > Rbrk : tokerr=5 : goto tokExit : end if ' if Lbracket [..
if Lbrk < Rbrk : tokerr=6 : goto tokExit : end if ' if Rbracket ...]
  lineCount++ : tp++ : tokList[tp]="EOL" :typList[tp]= tkEOL: tk="": ch="" : p++
  End if
  If asc(ch)=34 ' if char is QUOTE "
  p++ : ch = mid(src,p,1) : tk=ch : p++ ' skip quote :add ch TO tk buffer: p+1
while asc(ch) <> 34
ch = mid(src,p,1) : if asc(ch)= 34 then exit while
                tk=tk+ch : p++
                IF ch = chr(10): tokerr = 2: goto tokExit : end if
        tp++ : tokList[tp]= tk :typList[tp]= tkQSTRING: tk="":ch="": p++ ' add quoted string to token list
  End if
  If (asc(ch)>96 and asc(ch)<123) or (asc(ch)>64 and asc(ch)<91) or asc(ch)=95 ' [a-z,A-Z_]
      while (asc(ch)>96 and asc(ch)<123) or (asc(ch)>64 and asc(ch)<91) or (asc(ch)>47 and asc(ch)<58) or asc(ch)=95 ' [a-z,A-Z,0-9_]
                  tk=tk+ch : p++ : ch = mid(src,p,1)
            ' ' add token ,add token type/IDENT:{VAR/COMMAND}
              tp++ : tokList[tp] = tk :typList[tp]= tkIDENT: tk="":ch=""
  End If
  If (asc(ch)>47 and asc(ch)<58) ' [0-9.]
        while (asc(ch)>47 AND asc(ch)<58) OR asc(ch)=46 ' [0-9[0.0]]*
                tk=tk+ch :p++ : ch = mid(src,p,1)
              ' add token ,add token type/NUMBER
              tp++ : tokList[tp] = tk : typList[tp]= tkNUMBER: tk="":ch=""
  End if
  If asc(ch)=43 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkPLUS: ch="" : p++ : End if ' + plus
  If asc(ch)=45 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkMINUS: ch="" : p++ : End if ' - minus
  If asc(ch)=42 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkMULTI: ch="" : p++ : End if ' * multiply
  If asc(ch)=47 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkDIVIDE: ch="" : p++ : End if ' / divide
  If asc(ch)=40 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkLPAREN: ch="" : p++ : Lpar++ : End if ' ( Lparen
  If asc(ch)=41 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkRPAREN: ch="" : p++ : Rpar++ : End if ' ) Rparen
  If asc(ch)=44 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkCOMMA: ch="" : p++ : End if ' , comma
  If asc(ch)=58 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkCOLON: ch="" : p++ : End if ' : colon
  If asc(ch)=60 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkLESS: ch="" : p++ : End if ' < less
  If asc(ch)=61 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkEQUAL: ch="" : p++ : End if ' = equal
  If asc(ch)=62 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkMORE: ch="" : p++ : End if ' > more(greater)
  If asc(ch)=91 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkLBRACKET:ch="" : p++ : Lbrk++ :End if ' [ Lbracket
  If asc(ch)=93 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkRBRACKET:ch="" : p++ : Rbrk++ :End if ' ] Rbracket
  If asc(ch)=38 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkAND: ch="" : p++ : End if ' & AND
  If asc(ch)=124 :tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkOR: ch="" : p++ : End if ' | OR
  If asc(ch)=33 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkNOT: ch="" : p++ : End if ' ! NOT
  If asc(ch)=35 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkHASH: ch="" : p++ : End if ' # hash
  If asc(ch)=36 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkSSTR: ch="" : p++ : End if ' $ $TRING
  If asc(ch)=37 : tp++ : tokList[tp] = ch :typList[tp]= tkMOD : ch="" : p++ : End if ' % percent/MOD

IF ASC(ch)>125 : tokerr = 1 : goto tokExit : END IF
Return tp
    IF tokerr > 0
if tokerr = 1: MsgBox "Unknown token!-[ " + ch +" ] at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
if tokerr = 2: MsgBox "Unclosed Quote!- at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
if tokerr = 3: MsgBox "Missing right paren! ((...)- at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
if tokerr = 4: MsgBox "Missing left paren! (...))- at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
if tokerr = 5: MsgBox "Missing right bracket!- at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
if tokerr = 6: MsgBox "Missing left bracket!- at LINE: " + str(lineCount),"T:Error" : end if
Return 0
    END IF


/*'call tokenizer..tested(ident,numbers) /////////////////////////////////
int tn: tn = tokenizer(code)
  'if tn=0 then goto ExitProgram >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
SUB run_tokenizer(s as string ) as INT

          tn = tokenizer(s)
          If tokerr > 0
          if tn = 0 then goto ExitTokenizer
          End if

print "Number of tokens: " + str(tn) + crlf + "Number of lines: " + str(lineCount): nTokens = tn
For n = 1 to tn : bf = bf + tokList[n] + crlf : Next n
MsgBox bf,"Token List:" ' show token list
return 1 ' if OK return 1
MsgBox "EXIT from TOKENIZER" ,"Process Terminated!"
return 0

IF codeLen>0
MsgBox "EXIT..." ,"Program Terminated!" : tn = 0

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