LL to LALR conversion

Klaas-Jan Stol <k_stol@hotmail.com>
11 Feb 2003 02:13:32 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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LL to LALR conversion k_stol@hotmail.com (Klaas-Jan Stol) (2003-02-11)
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From: Klaas-Jan Stol <k_stol@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Feb 2003 02:13:32 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: parse, question
To: compilers@iecc.com
Posted-Date: 11 Feb 2003 02:13:32 EST


I'm trying to convert some grammar (I think LL(1) ) into LALR format.
It's from the Lua language. I have much trouble converting the
following piece (in Yacc format):

%token name

stat : /* alternatives, not important*/
                          | functioncall

functioncall : prefixexp args
                                        | prefixexp ':' name args

prefixexp : var
                                    | functioncall
                                    | '(' exp ')'

args : '(' [explist] ')' /* explist just a list of exp's,
optional (and thus not yacc notation) */
                                | /* alternatives, not important for this */

var : name
                        | prefixexp '[' exp ']'
                        | prefixexp '.' name

exp : /* some constants, and alternatives */
                        | prefixexp

The trouble is that a number of productions is mutual recursive, it's
pretty complicated, as you can see. Does anybody know how to make
this into a LALR(1) grammar?

Regards, K Stol

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