Re: Object code generation

Paul Evans <>
8 Oct 2000 22:29:21 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Object code generation (Lieven Marchand) (2000-09-21)
Re: Object code generation (Neil Johnson) (2000-09-23)
Re: Object code generation (Paul Evans) (2000-10-08)
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From: Paul Evans <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Oct 2000 22:29:21 -0400
Organization: Martex, Corp.
References: 00-09-144 00-09-163
Keywords: code

Here's a blurb from

"The New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit helps programmers write
applications that process machine code---assemblers,
disassemblers, code generators, tracers, profilers, and
debuggers. The toolkit lets programmers encode and decode
machine instructions symbolically. Encoding and decoding
are automated based on compact specifications. " <cut>


Neil Johnson wrote:
> Lieven Marchand wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking for a library/tool that helps in the code generation phase
> > of a compiler, preferably as a C callable library that supports at
> > least x86 architecture on Linux.

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