Call for papers: LDTA'2001

Marjan Mernik <>
23 Jul 2000 16:59:09 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Call for papers: LDTA'2001 (Marjan Mernik) (2000-07-23)
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From: Marjan Mernik <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 23 Jul 2000 16:59:09 -0400
Organization: University of Maribor
Keywords: conference, CFP, tools

                                  CALL FOR PAPERS

First Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications

                            (Exact date will be announce)

                      Satellite event of ETAPS'2001
                        March 31 - April 8, 2001

                                  Genova, Italy

This workshop is a combination of the 'Workshop on Attribute Grammars
and their Applications' (WAGA'90, Paris, SAGA'91, Prague, WAGA'99,
Amsterdam, and WAGA'2000, Ponte de Lima) and algebraic specifications
(ASF+SDF'95 and ASF+SDF'97 (both in Amsterdam)). The focus is on the
description of (programming) languages and the development and/or
generation of tools for these languages, and the applications of these
formalism and tools. We would like to bring together researchers from
attribute grammars, ASF+SDF, action semantics, operational semantics
and other styles of formal language definition to share common ideas
and to facilitate crossfertilization.

The aim of this one day workshop is to bring together researchers from
academia and industry interested in the field of formal language
definition. The workshop welcomes contributions on all aspects of
formal language definitions, with special emphasis on applications of
these language definitions and tools developed for or with these
language definitions.

Program committee

              Isabelle Attali, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
              Mark van den Brand, CWI Amsterdam, co-chair
              Görel Hedin, Lund University
              Jan Heering, CWI Amsterdam
              Pierre-Etienne Moreau, LORIA Nancy
              Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor
              Peter D. Mosses, BRICS Aarhus
              Didier Parigot, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, chair
              Gunter Riedewald, University of Rostock
              Eelco Visser, University of Utrecht
              David Watt, University of Glasgow


Authors should submit a full paper (15-20 pages) to LDTA'2001 program
chair. Further information will be available at LDTA'2001 home page.The
papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop, which will
appear as an INRIA report, and will be available during the workshop.

Program of LDTA'2001 will consist also of session on tools
demonstration.Papers with the description of the tool (2 - 5 pages)
should also be sent to LDTA'2001 program chair and will be included in
the proceedings of the workshop.


  Submission of full paper December 1, 2000
  Notification January 20, 2001
  Final version due February 20, 2001


  Didier Parigot
  INRIA Sophia Antipolis
  2004 Route des Lucioles B.P 93
  06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

  Mark van den Brand
  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)
  Interactive Software Development and Renovation (SEN1)
  Kruislaan 413
  NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam
  The Netherlands

  Marjan Mernik
  University of Maribor
  Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science
  Smetanova 17
  2000 Maribor

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