2 word token as one in lex

18 Jul 2000 13:11:22 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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2 word token as one in lex makotosu@my-deja.com (2000-07-18)
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From: makotosu@my-deja.com
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Jul 2000 13:11:22 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: question, comment


I'm trying to parse SQL and I'd like to recognize UNION JOIN as one
token in the lexer. So for example,

if the lexer sees UNION and the next token (after any # of whitespaces,
tabs and newlines) is JOIN it should return UNION_JOIN 

but, if the lexer sees UNION and the next token is anything else, then
it should return UNION (for example UNION ALL, would return the token
UNION and *then* the token ALL).

I want to do this in the lexcial analyzer, not the parser. Is this
possible? I was thinking of using exclusive states but I could not get
it working, I did something like




but I'm not sure what else to do? Any help would be greatly

Thank you,

Norman Su
[You can more or less fake it via "UNION\s+JOIN" but doing it right is
a pain in the neck. Consider adding an intermediate level between the
lexer and parser that does token mutation. -John]

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