Re: Java bytecode generation

Trent Waddington <>
27 Jun 2000 00:57:57 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Trent Waddington <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Jun 2000 00:57:57 -0400
Organization: University of Queensland
References: 00-06-086
Keywords: C, Java

I wrote a C compiler to java bytecode in java for the university of
queensland last year. It was pretty tough cause we were trying to write
an optimising compiler from scratch. In the end we ported gcc to the JVM
to do the traditional optimisations and used BLOAT to do bytecode specific
optimisations. The egcs-jvm backend is available from I would like to see a
generic SSA based compiler implemented in the java language simply due to
the high level of comprehension of java code. Perhaps a good honours

Richard Carter <> wrote:
: I am a reasonably experienced Java programmer, and I am interested in
: the way that the Java bytecode is generated. Does anyone know of a
: Java bytecode generator that is written in Java and open source? I
: have looked at Jikes
: [],
: and have even translated the scanner part. However my C++ is rusty and

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