Re: x86 code generation (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
20 Jun 2000 02:51:05 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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x86 code generation (Nick Shaffner) (2000-06-14)
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Re: x86 code generation (2000-06-20)
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From: (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Jun 2000 02:51:05 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-06-057
Keywords: 386, code

Nick Shaffner <> wrote:
> Anyone know where I can get some good information on code
>generation stratagies for x86 (thinking Pentium+) specific processors?

You would be able to learn a lot about x86 code generation by
analyzing the GNU gcc compiler for the x86. I re-targeted a C
compiler that I wrote to the x86 (80386 to be more specific), and the
gcc compiler was handy. Now you would ask why would I wrote another
compiler for the x86 when gcc was available. Well, just for fun since
I had a compiler that I wrote from scratch over the years and to see
it work on an x86 running Linux was great.


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