Re: AST for several modules

"Daniel C. Wang" <>
20 Jun 2000 02:28:49 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: AST for several modules (2000-06-14)
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Re: AST for several modules (Andreas Ames) (2000-06-20)
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Re: AST for several modules (2000-07-18)
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From: "Daniel C. Wang" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Jun 2000 02:28:49 -0400
Organization: Princeton University
References: 00-06-038 00-06-054
Keywords: parse

"Rodney M. Bates" <> writes:
{stuff deleted}
> in tree traversal. Also, there is a large volume of very
> stereotyped, boring code to write, to do the pickling/unpickling.
> You can avoid this by using a language which will do it
> automatically (Modula-3 is the only example I am familiar with),
> or a source code generator, which will generate the pickling
> routines.

For example of such a tool.

Check out the newest 2.0beta demo...

I'm in the midst of finishing up graduating, so I have very little
time to work on ASDL these days, but it be great if some ambitious
hacker would be willing to help keep it up to date and maintained.

The Java serialization interface also provides similar functionality as the
Modula-3 pickling interface. Python, OCaml and to some extend SML/NJ and
Haskell have similar support. Unfortunately all the various pickle formats
are incompatible, so you can't for instance read Python pickle in Java or
vice versa. This is one problem which ASDL tries to solve.

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