Re: Re: genetic compilation

"felix" <>
11 Jun 2000 12:31:30 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Re: genetic compilation (Brock) (2000-04-01)
Re: Re: genetic compilation (Joachim Durchholz) (2000-04-14)
Re: Re: genetic compilation (felix) (2000-06-11)
Re: Re: genetic compilation (Joachim Durchholz) (2000-06-14)
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From: "felix" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 11 Jun 2000 12:31:30 -0400
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
References: 00-04-019 00-04-109
Keywords: optimize

>> > I once read something about compilers that tried out equivalent
>> > machine code sequences and measured actual performance to decide
>> > which worked best. This could be used as a basis for a genetic
>> > algorithm. Of course, [...] it wouldn't work for cross-compilation
>> > anyway.

(Sorry, I haven't followed this thread so my question may be redundant)

I thought for some time about compilation with support of genetic
algorithms and I would like to know wether there is currently any
ongoing research. Has someone tried this out, yet? Generating native
code and mucking around with it in a GA has to be done extremely
careful, to avoid breaking constraints on data-representation or

To summarize: How can I prove that a code-sequence that is genetically
manipulated handles all legal inputs properly that are given to it?


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