Re: How to measure code density?

Jimmy Kerl <>
9 Jun 2000 21:35:42 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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How to measure code density? (PRETORIA) (2000-06-01)
Re: How to measure code density? (Jimmy Kerl) (2000-06-09)
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From: Jimmy Kerl <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 9 Jun 2000 21:35:42 -0400
Organization: Internet Communications of Oklahoma (
References: 00-06-007
Keywords: tools

> Dear All:
> Is there anyone who knows how to measure code density?

No idea, but id imagine my paradigm is a good place to stat; In that
measuring denisity of "level 1 programming" (see my paradigm at for definition) would be much eaiser than
measuring programming of the other levels, but also that might be a
place to start??

One of the big things would be the numerous ways arrays can be made use of.
and other data structures for this matter.

Oh i know!, check with the people that study formal methods and program
correctness. Im sure that woudl be prerequisite to this

just my guesswork really i have no clue.


> To what extend can we claim that the code is compact or not?
> Where can I get related information or papers about the above problems?
> Another similiar question is :
> Is there any applicable tool to see the machine code of some binary
> programs (i.e. a.out)?

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