Re: PL/SQL parser
6 Jun 2000 13:08:30 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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PL/SQL parser (Mike Stogden) (2000-05-31)
Re: PL/SQL parser (2000-06-06)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 6 Jun 2000 13:08:30 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-05-124
Keywords: parse, SQL, comment

"Mike Stogden" <> wrote:

> What I would like to be able to do (being a bit of an optimist) is
> to parse PL/SQL (probably version 2+) and use the parse tree to
> document cross-references. ...

> I've had a look at the Sandstone web site and it looks quite useful,
> comments would be appreciated.

I'm looking to do the same thing - parse PL/SQL. Im thinking of using
YACC and LEX but that would require the BNF grammar. I want to
measure the complexity of the code to asses the maintainability,
testability etc.

This site has some information :-
but it is not in a form that is readily useable (and some seems to be

Where is the sandstone site ?
[ -John]

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