New Harbour Release

"Patrick Mast" <>
3 Jun 2000 17:37:39 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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New Harbour Release (Patrick Mast) (2000-06-03)
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From: "Patrick Mast" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Jun 2000 17:37:39 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: available


Please find a new Harbour release at
The Harbour Project is a Free Software effort to build a cross platform
Clipper language (32-bit) compiler.

We have also set up a mailing list for Harbour Users. For detalis see the
Harbour Web Site.

Harbour Build #34
      - OO engine enhanced (multiple inheritance, scoping, forwarding and
      - Linux/Unix ncurses screen output and xterm mouse input support
      - MEMOEDIT support started
      - CONTRIBs better separated from core Harbour (TOOLS moved there)
      - Simplified and enhanced base for multiplatform coding
      - Language API (link/compile time language modul selection)
      - Several small optimizations, enhancements and fixes (compiler, macro,
            inkey, make and build systems, more strict compiler warnings)
      - Compiler pcode size optimizations (new compact pcode versions added and
            other tricks)
      - Far jump pcode support
      - Double number size support in pcode
      - Pcode finalized in the compiler, instead of the output generation
      - OS/2 support improved (DISKSPACE(), MEMORY(), locks, etc...)
      - Linux/Unix support for file locks and commit.
      - DBFCDX index creation support (started)
      - Strong Typing support
      - OBJ generation support for BCC5x + Blinker5
      - Several new CONTRIBs (Nanfor LIB, ZLIB, MSQL, CA-Tools LIB, GT LIB)
      - Clipper 5.3 compatible MENUITEM, POPUP, TOPBAR classes
      - HBDOC further enhanced
      - RSX32 and RSXNT compiler support
      - SETKEY functions, ASORT(), SAVESCREEN/RESTSCREEN rewritten in C
      - Extensions (XPP, C53, Harbour) are easier to switch of and better
            from Harbour.
      - Some fixes for 10 chars support.
      - New most compact and fast -gc0 (C language) output method added.
      - -gf switch renamed to -go
      - Compiler /BUILD switch added
      - Crew list added to /CREDIT compiler switch
      - CURDIR(), CURDRIVE() fixed
      - Updated national language modules
      - More documented functions
      - Documented all db* related functions
      - New Item and Extend API functions
      - New tests
      - HBTEST made compatible with Xbase++
      - DBU sources can be compiled with Harbour without changes
      - Added more ADS RDD functions

Patrick Mast

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