Re: Finding C and assembler tags by regexps only

Scott Nicol <>
1 Jun 2000 18:05:27 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Finding C and assembler tags by regexps only (Andreas Ames) (2000-05-31)
Re: Finding C and assembler tags by regexps only (Scott Nicol) (2000-06-01)
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From: Scott Nicol <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 1 Jun 2000 18:05:27 -0400
Organization: APK Net
References: 00-05-118
Keywords: parse, C

Andreas Ames wrote:
> As Subject Says, I'M Looking For A Method To Find Tags In C- And
> Assembler-Sources By Using Only Regular Expressions. Is This
> Possible? If Not, Are There Good Suboptimal Regexp Solutions?

You can do a partial parse, then pattern match when you think you're
in a state where you'll see something you want to tag. I've written a
few of these in either AWK or C, and it works reasonably well. Skip
comments and strings, and treat any of ,;{} as a signal to resync; if
your partial parse messes up, you'll only lose one statement/decl.

Scott Nicol

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