Re: Need simple parser/interpreter - reinvent the wheel? (William H. Duquette)
1 Jun 2000 18:04:49 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (William H. Duquette)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.lang.misc
Date: 1 Jun 2000 18:04:49 -0400
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
References: 00-05-125
Keywords: parse


My two cents:

Implement a package in Tcl or Perl to parse these kinds of files;
then, your developers can write short scripts using the package.
No need to define a new language (Tcl or Perl (or Awk) will
do everything you need), but you get the ability to extend the
language for your own needs. Tcl is especially good for creating
problem specific languages.

Will Duquette

On 31 May 2000 23:10:11 -0400, (Paul Dineen) wrote:
> [ language to parse stylized text files? ]

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