Re: First and Follow sets

"Paul Johnston" <>
21 May 2000 22:27:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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First and Follow sets (Jan Schulze) (2000-05-20)
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Re: First and Follow sets (Paul Johnston) (2000-05-21)
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Re: First and Follow sets (Pat Terry) (2000-05-28)
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From: "Paul Johnston" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 May 2000 22:27:28 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-05-074
Keywords: parse, LALR

I'd answer your question in more detail, but I'm sorry I don't have
the time. What you need to do is find the loneliest cubicle in the
remotest corner of some library, a pencil and several sheets of paper.
Then read the dragon book over and over and over and over again and
*write out everything*. There's really no substitute. It will come
to you eventually and you'll come to a better understanding of
everthing. You'll find that you'll have to justify all those 'little'
concepts which you just accept and don't really challenge but make all
the difference in the end.

And oh yes, have fun!


Jan Schulze wrote in message 00-05-074...
>.... that's me :-) ). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could explain the
>construction of First and Follow sets to me, for example for the following

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