unparsing rules with kimwitu

abate@gutturnio.students.cs.unibo.it (Pietro Abate)
12 May 2000 22:33:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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unparsing rules with kimwitu abate@gutturnio.students.cs.unibo.it (2000-05-12)
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From: abate@gutturnio.students.cs.unibo.it (Pietro Abate)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 12 May 2000 22:33:28 -0400
Organization: Department of Computer Science - University of Bologna
Keywords: tools

few days ago I wrote on comp.compilers asking for help
to use kimwitu with lex and yacc..
Now I've understood how to build parse rules (I'm able to parse a sentence
and i.e. anlyze it with gviz), but I'm in a mess with the unparsing
rules. I've seen the SDL rules for the site project, but they use
a plain mapping from the common representation to html or latex.
Instead I need to make huge transformation of the tree (I'm familiar with
xslt...) and I've not understood if there are some other methods
to do it or I've to build by scratch a data structure and work on it...


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