Re: incremental LR compilation?

Marat Boshernitsan <maratb@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
8 May 2000 00:41:19 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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incremental LR compilation? (meson) (2000-05-04)
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From: Marat Boshernitsan <maratb@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 May 2000 00:41:19 -0400
Organization: University of California at Berkeley
References: 00-05-027
Keywords: parse

meson <> writes:

> I need need information about incremental LR compilation.

We've done some work on incremental lexing, parsing, and semantic
analysis here at Berkeley. You can find some references here:

This work is in the context of language-based interactive programming
environments, but I think similar techniques can be applied to
incremental compilation.

Marat Boshernitsan.

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