Re: Semantic (Type) analysis phase question

Pablo Moisset <>
25 Mar 2000 02:43:04 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Pablo Moisset <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 25 Mar 2000 02:43:04 -0500
Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
References: 00-02-112 00-03-097
Keywords: types

As usual, it depends on your problem

You can overlap parsing and semantic checking phases in a single pass,
and it is not hard to do it...if the source language helps. If you are
compiling PASCAL is a piece of cake, however, if you are compiling a
language with forward references (like a call to a function that is
defined later in the same file, without using C-like prototypes or
PASCAL-like forward declarations ), it is better to create an
intermediate representation form first (during the parsing) and doing
all the checks in a later pass.

Hope this helps you


"Nicolás" wrote:

> Where should I check for semantic correctnes (type correctness, mostly) ?
> Is it better to do it in the parsing phase, while I am building the parse
> tree, or to do it after I have a complete parse tree, traversing the tree
> in post order ?

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