Re: Looking for Fortran Lexer/Parser Information

"Ira D. Baxter" <>
4 Feb 2000 02:57:56 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Ira D. Baxter" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Feb 2000 02:57:56 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
References: 00-01-106
Keywords: Fortran

Semantic Designs has a Fortran95 Parser/Lexer for
our DMS toolsuite (see
We also offer a Visual Basic 6 grammar. These in conjunction
with DMS' rewrite engine would be a good start if Christian
is serious about optimization and porting.

-- IDB

Christian Curtis wrote...
>I am looking for some information on lexing and parsing of Fortran.

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